NNT Viewer 1.1.1


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129 ×
NNT is a highly advanced desktop software for dental imaging by NewTom, with image archiving and image post processing capabilities.

NNT Viewer for iPAD is a companion app for NNT desktop and it allows:
- visualization of the images archived by NNT desktop, in full screen or in thumbnails preview, grouped by patient or imaging device
- image saving on iPAD camera roll
- image sharing
- image enhancements like brightenss, contrast, gamma correction

NNT Viewer for iPAD does not replace any PC Workstation where NNT imaging software will process and store the radiographic data. Nevertheless, NNT Viewer for iPAD provides quick and easy previewing of 2D images acquired and archived in the same LAN of NNT desktop installation, with image enhancement such as brightness, contrast and gamma correction, as well as e-mailing of 2D images to a preferred recipient.
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  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    14. 10. 2019

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

    9 ×

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