Maths Numbers Sum (Spanish) 1.0


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Maths Numbers Sum (Spanish)

Maths Numbers Sum: is an educational game, designed for learning Mathematics Sum in an easy and fun way.

How much do you know about Mathematics, come and prove it, we challenge you ... !!!

★ Features:
* The game consists of three (3) levels.
* You will learn in each level to combine different numbers to arrive at a requested result.
* must take into account the statement to know how to play at each level.

★ How to play:
* Select a level from the main screen ★ -Basic, Medium and Advanced- ★.
* Touch the numbers that make up the sum of the one found in the statement.
 * Example: If the number to add = 20, then you could select the following number combinations: ★ -9, 1, 8, 2 or 8, 2, 3, 7- ★.
* Take into account that depending on the level, there is a limit of numbers to select.
* You can lose in several ways: ★ 1- If you run out of time to solve the summation- ★, ★ 2- If you choose the incorrect numbers- ★ and ★ -3- If you get past the number of numbers to choose- ★.

★ Credits:
Some of the images used were taken from the free image sites:
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  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    25. 12. 2017

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  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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