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 Ear Training App 1.1


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Ear training or aural skills is a skill by which musicians learn to identify, solely by hearing, pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, and other basic elements of music. Ear training is typically a component of formal musical training.

Functional pitch recognition involves identifying the function or role of a single pitch in the context of an established tonic. Also it helps to learn notes on the piano keyboard and on the guitar neck.

Ear Training app has simple intuitive interface, shows the percentage of correct answers for today and totaly. Also it has simple mode for beginners. Ear Training app has piano mode, guitar and bass modes, chords, scales and intervals modes.
  • Verze programu


  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    16. 10. 2019

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

    0 ×

  • Velikost

    52,61 MB

  • Potřeba instalace:


  • Web autora

    Andrii Pirumov

  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad

  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad


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