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 CSS Quick Reference 3.2


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Designed specifically for the iPhone and iPod touch, the CSS Reference application provides handy access to all of the W3C's Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) properties, pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, including the syntax (with the equivalent JavaScript syntax for the given property), possible values for each property, usage notes, and fully rendered sample code.

The sample HTML code can be edited and re-displayed (using the built-in browser), allowing the HTML or CSS developer to see how changes in various values and properties will appear without having to go to a desktop-based web development environment.

The included color picker tool provides the CSS color in both RGB and in hex format, based on the user-selected CSS color name, the CSS Web Safe Color hex or RFB values, or on discreet values set by the user.
  • Verze programu


  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    21. 2. 2017

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

    0 ×

  • Velikost

    1,25 MB

  • Potřeba instalace:


  • Web autora


  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad

  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad


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