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 超擎快图 1.1


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超擎快图(QucikTu of SuperEngine)是苏州超擎图形软件科技发展有限公司的核心技术产品,该产品突破了网络带宽的限制,在普通3G网络环境下,就能够快速浏览高清大图,它采用公司独有的图像处理引擎技术,1秒钟就能打开GB级别的单幅图片;当然,您可以不断地放大图片,直至最清晰,使您不错过任何一个细节;另外,实时缓存技术为您节省了再次打开图片的时间;该版本图片资源包括:艺术、文玩书画、汽车、服装、珠宝、工艺品、旅游摄影等。

SuperEngine sketch (QucikTu of SuperEngine) is the core technology products of Suzhou superengine graphics software technology development Co., Ltd, the product breaks through the limitation of network bandwidth, you can quickly browse customers in a common 3G network environment, it uses the company's unique physical and engine technology, you open a single image of GB to use one second; of course, you can continue to enlarge, until the clear, so you don't miss any detail; in addition, real-time caching technique saves time for you to open the picture again; this version of the picture resources include: art, calligraphy and painting, cars, clothing, toys, crafts, jewelry travel photography etc..
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Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad


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