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 Bucket List Pro (Goals,Habits) 4.1


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*Major Update*
Get more out of Bucketlist PRO & The Habit Factor, subscribe to the Habits 2 Goals Podcast

- FREE! Test the new, updated version for yourself!
- #1 Request: Historical Experiences can be added!
- Track Action Items/Steps for active Bucket List items
- Stamp your experience Completed! Then post it!
- Library of Experiences for quick adding and ideas!

Stuck In a rut? Looking to add some excitement to your life?
There is NO better way to give yourself (your life) clarity, meaning and direction than to create your Bucket List! Do it TODAY!

Remember, purpose creates passion... Start your bucket list today!
MORE Bucket List PRO

"Finally, a Bucket List App done right!"

"What a cool way to keep track of what's really important in your life. Powerful! I LOVE this app!"

"It's so FUN to see my updates on these experiences post to Twitter. Very cool!"

"Ingenious! I love adding your own PHOTO proof once you complete your bucket list item.

Why use Bucket List PRO?

Pause for a moment and consider what GREAT LIFE EXPERIENCES YOU MUST have before you kick the bucket, start pushing daisies or, take that extended dirt nap.

What must you do/experience before you die?

Are you ready to...
Run with the Bulls in Pamplona?
Swim with dolphins or better yet, sharks?
Visit the Pyramids?
Go on an African safari?
Write a book?
Be a game-show contestant?
Run a marathon?
Do an Ironman?
Donate Millions of $$ to a charity?

Bucket List PRO easily lets you establish, maintain, track and record your dream life experiences to help ensure you live the fullest life possible!!!

How to use:
Simply tap the "+" to setup a new Bucket List Pro item. Each item can be stored for later or activated and tracked. Each day the bucket list item is "active" the "Track" screen will allow you to add new activity or "steps" to help you achieve your experience! When you've completed the Bucket List PRO item, simply tap the "Completed" check box then, ADD A PHOTO of the event direct from your iPhone or photo library to record the proof!

Check out the other great Equilibrium Apps: The Habit Factor® and Brian Tracy's, Eat That Frog!
  • Verze programu


  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    12. 5. 2020

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

    0 ×

  • Velikost

    6,95 MB

  • Potřeba instalace:


  • Web autora

    Equilibrium Enterprises, Inc

  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad

  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad


TIP: Stahují se vám programy pomalu? Změřte si rychlost svého internetového připojení.