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 MedUser 1.1


Pro hodnocení programu se prosím nejprve přihlaste

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This is a Location based On-Demand Medicine Delivery application.

MedUser is used to Order medicines from your mobile.
This app is used with MedServer(Pharmacy) application
When you order medicine it sends your location along with the order info to all pharmacies within certain (configurable) radius. Once pharmacy process your order you will receive automatic status update messages from pharmacy.
User can see the location of pharmacy using google maps
Option to call the pharmacy.
Option to choose delivery location which can be different from order location.
Store ordered medicines info in the mobile.
Option to filter and see the past orders
  • Verze programu


  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    29. 10. 2017

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

    0 ×

  • Potřeba instalace:


  • Web autora

    Jothi Kothandapani

  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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