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 MedDiabetesApp 2.6.0


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MedDiabetesApp application (Part of Med Series) provides software for maintenance of diseases specifically Diabetes. Application enhances control of Blood glucose, Nutrition (diet), and prescription Medications. Other uses are also possible.

Functions provided are recording Medications, Medical Tests, Nutrition evaluation (including Exercise input), and Ordering Medications. Input of required individual person’s information is also provided. Information provided and generated is controlled by user.

Medications function provides for recording and editing medications use. It provides a reference and template for ordering medications when required. Information can be edited and saved for further use.

Ordering Medications function provides for preparing a list of medications that can be ordered as needed. Lists include medication name, medication value, daily quantity used, and total quantity ordered, based on number of days for the order. Order days for each person can be edited and saved as part of persons input information. Medications lists for each order can be edited and saved for further use.

Medical Tests function provides for recording each Blood Glucose, Person Weight, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol measurements. Indication of abnormal values is provided. Measurements can be edited and saved for further use. With compatible sensor input interfaces, measurements can be recorded.

Blood Glucose measurements can be recorded for individual days before and after each meal. Based on measurement inputs, A1C calculations are made for each day’s measurements and also for all measurements recorded. Reference data for total measurements taken is provided as part of persons input information. Reference data can be edited and saved.

Person Weight, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol measurements provide for independent monitoring of proper individual nutrition intake and exercise habits.

Nutrition goals for each day is first calculated based on person’s height, weight, gender, age, and exercise inputs. Nutrition goals include daily carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and total calories. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats goals are listed as both calories and grams. Individual carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are entered as grams.

Nutrition data can then be entered for each input. Nutrition data include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and calories for each nutrition input. List of common foods and associated nutrition data can be displayed. Default list is provided. An additional individual list can also be created. Nutrition data can be created, edited and saved for each list used.

Files for all saved data can be individually or totally deleted.

Blood Glucose measurements can be transferred from a meter or sensor using a csv (comma separated values) generated file using additional software and Blood Glucose File menu. The csv file can be user generated or can be obtained from other files (such as an Excel file) by saving as a csv file. File data can be directly transferred as a file or generated from email data.

Depending on file size, csv file may require editing. File size of the saved csv file should be limited to two to three months of data. Quotation marks, header data, and trailer data should be removed from the csv file to avoid introducing file errors.

File data is then transferred from the file or email to the sample file selected from the Blood Glucose File menu. Blood glucose data is then extracted and can then be saved.

Email, print (with compatible device), or retrieval (with additional software) of results is also provided. Several additional software (such as Google Drive, etc.) are readily available.
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  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    11. 8. 2017

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

    0 ×

  • Velikost

    459 kB

  • Potřeba instalace:


  • Web autora

    James A Snook

  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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Přejít do Google Play
Cena: 64,99 Kč


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