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 MBA 1.5


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How to use:
1. Go to view stock items; click on add stock item in the menu; fill in the stock item name; below enter the cost/selling price; leave cash and credit sale margin blank if you entered your selling price under cost price; enter how many of those items you have in stock and click update. Repeat step 1 if you have more stock items to add.

2. Go to view sale items and click record sale under the menu. Enter your client's name if you want to. Below select the item the client is buying from the drop down list. Next enter how many of the selected item that client bought. Click next and repeat step 2 if the client bought more items otherwise click done. Go back to view sales to see the auto calculated total and subtotals for the last transaction you recorded.

No more will you need a calculator to invoice a client. Just tell the app which item of your stock you need and how many items and the calculation gets saved as an invoice that you can always go back and view or delete.

This simple, easy to use app keeps track of your stock, margins, invoices, orders and business expenses by logging your daily transactions and expenses in an understandable non-complex manner.

As you update your sales the app updates the stock count on your behalf but you may go back to stock items, long press the stock item on the list to edit the stock count if you need it updated.

Let us help you run your business from your phone for the sake of convenience. This app was designed for sales reps, shop owners and the self-employed. The point of it all is to keep track of your sales and orders as your day goes by because it's not always that you'd have the time to calculate the numbers required to invoice a client.
Use the View Stock Items to add the products you sell with their prices and margins. Item name, Cost Price, Margin and Stock Count are compulsory fields. If you do not wish to add a margin put the number 0 in the margin fields. Do note that the stock value under stock items calculates the total cost of the stock Not the price after the margin.

View Order, View Sales and View Debt basically work the same, to add items you select the record option from the list of menu options. After filling in the required fields click next item, to add another item under the same invoice and client or done to save the record as complete and have it saved as a list item with automatic date that was inserted and the client name. Click on the list item to view the invoice. Click on the picture displayed above the list to hide it.

View expenses would be for recording business expenses. All you have to do is add the description of the item you're spending on and the amount and it will be recorded as a list item.
  • Verze programu


  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    23. 11. 2017

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

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  • Potřeba instalace:


  • Web autora

    Phenyo Tech

  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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