Magical Tunnel 0.1


Pro hodnocení programu se prosím nejprve přihlaste

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This is a simple game aimed at improving the player's focus and mind control. The player is required to drag the ball towards the ball with the same color as the player's ball.Navigate the tunnel by touching and sliding through the screen of your phone. The player's ball changes color every time it hits a spawn. Focus on the new color to hit same color balls and advance your way towards the end of the tunnel. Surprise awaits you at the end of the tunnel, a door to the real magical world. Collect as many diamonds along the way to help you unlock other skins. Unlocking the skins gives you better chances of safe navigation as the locked screens perform better. The game increases complexity as you move further into the tunnel, mind your control. I hope everybody enjoys the game as we improve it day by day. Welcome!
  • Verze programu


  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    11. 5. 2019

  • Počet stažení za měsíc

    0 ×

  • Velikost

    30 MB

  • Potřeba instalace:


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  • Podporované jazyky

    • Angličtina
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