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 How to Be More Outgoing how to make new friends 1.0


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Some people are naturally outgoing and make new friends easily, but other people have to practice to become outgoing and confident to make friends.
Do you feel uncomfortable meeting new people, have trouble starting and holding a conversation, or find it hard to make new friends? Although there is nothing wrong with being shy or being an introvert, social unease can mean you’ll miss out on good times and a lot of opportunities.
Outgoing people tend to have more friends, better relationships and more opportunities. Being outgoing is about being comfortable in your skin, being confident in social settings and expressing yourself fully.

In this App you will learn several strategies that you can use. Being “outgoing” and make new friends involves learning how to present yourself to others, striking up conversations, and being more confident in yourself.
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  • Poslední aktualizace od vývojáře

    4. 9. 2017

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