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 Fight Cancer Naturally 1.1.5


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Fight Cancer Naturally(FCN) : Holistic Perspective with a Natural food , herbs, Keto diet and Natural supplements.

FCN provides cancer detection tools information and treatment approach in practices
- About Cancer & its Types
- Diagnosis / Conventional toolsof Cancer
- Standard Therapies for cancer treatment and its usages
- Approach towardsCancer : Conventional , natural and integrative Approach
Natural food, raw organic fresh pressed juice, supplements and herbs

*Success stories: Practical appliance and knowledge sharing on cancer.
*Cancer Fighting Raw diet Videos: Few video tutorials for guidance on how to prepare you diet.
*Ketogenic Therapy for Cancer:

Cancer Glucose Index: Here you can enter values of glucose and ketone to monitor Cancer therapy.
Cancer GKI Analysis: Check and analyze your GKI, which should be under therapeutic treatment, which is less than 1(<1).

*Tumor Gene with Natural Substances:
In addition to the use of food, herbs and species, plants also been utilized as medicine. Major anti-cancer products and their principal target tumor genes

*Standard Diet Plan: Helps you to build your diet plan.

Ketogenic Feature : It is not a general nutrition app, but it gives you the information whether you are in therapeutic range for treating cancer. This app can be used for weight loss.

Urine ketosticks are known to yield inaccurate results, while blood keto and sugar levels give accurate results, based on the test result. FCN app shows you whether you are in ketosis or not and also lets you know that you are in therapeutic range to fight cancer.
Quick & simple way to monitor and track your personal nutrition on

•GKI Index
• Cancer therapeutic Range
• Tracking the Glucose ketone index
• Re-plan diet
• Progress towards therapeutic management with graphs.

If you stick to a ketogenic diet plan and monitor your sugar and ketones with GKI index, we believe that you can achieve weight loss, improve your blood pressure, improve your sugar levels and enhance chances to control and treat cancer.
It has been designed to track the Zone of metabolic management for ‘Glucose Ketone Index’ (GKI) based upon the concept of Sugar feed Cancer by the noble prize of Mr. Otto Heinrich Warburg.
Goals include weight loss and therapeutic range for cancer treatment.

•Very important tool for Doctors & Cancer Patients who are trying to follow Keto Diet and Natural substances

FCN feature : Progress towards Therapeutic management:
1) On right track
2) Increase ketone
•Increase fat (Coconut oil, MCT oil etc.,)
3) Decrease carbs
•Low glycemic index foods
4) Either increase ketones or Decrease carbs

How it works:
•Define your net requirement (Ketogenic diet plan) per day for calories in terms of fats, proteins, and carbs based up on your personal data and BMI.
•Enter the Glucose levels in mg/dl and enter the ketone level using glucose keto meter with drop of blood
•View and add values per samples.
•Analyze your cancer therapeutic ketosis GKI values.
•Shows you the info whether you are in % of time in metabolic Zone.
•Re-plan you diet based on the analysis. Get new diet plan after 2 weeks of implementation.

Three pitfalls to avoid – Many people who use low carb diets that after some time, their weight loss stalls or they may even regain weight eating too much of protein even from low carb sources.

•Eating too many calories even from low carb sources
•Eating too little fat which can prevent ketosis.
•Remain in ketosis even if you slip and get back on track again faster.

Email @ support@seawellsoft.com for prompt replies/ Visit our web site http://cancerdiet.club/
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